Tuesday 29 October 2013

Paint Your House Before Moving In

You may be keen to move straight into your new home, but it’s a good idea to get painting done before the rooms fill up with furniture and other personal bits and pieces, not afterwards when they will just be in the way and could even get splashed with paint!

To save time on painting major walls and woodwork and other interior design, consider putting some of your household items in temporary self storage. Having a house free from belongings helps:

  • Avoid damaging furniture - if you are moving around a lot painting and renovating can damage furniture. Even just bumping it with ladders and other objects can cause marks and scratches.
  • Cut painting costs - an empty home is much easier for contractors (or yourself) to paint. This will save you either a lot of money or a lot of time if you are doing it yourself.
  • Give fresh ideas - if you are yet to buy all your furniture, adding the main house colours to the walls will help you see what items will fit.

A storage facility makes a lot of sense for homeowners in the process of moving or carrying out some serious renovations and redecorating work, as it offers a safe and secure place to keep valuable and personal items out of harm’s way. Storage is a very affordable option for most people and facilities are very modern these days. Most up-to-date storage services will actually provide portable storage units that are delivered to your location, so all you have to do on the day is pack up your things and load them into the unit. The service then comes and picks up the loaded module!

Now you can move into your new property that is clear of furniture, personal possessions, and moving boxes, and start to paint each room. The process will be much faster as there is plenty of space to move around and as long as you put your mind to it the job will be completed in next to no time. If you decide to employ professionals to do the work then even better as they have the experience and the equipment to complete the tasks quickly and efficiently.  

If you have to move your furniture and other belongings to your home and don’t want to use a storage facility for whatever reason then always make sure to keep the rooms as clear as possible before painting, and cover them with large old dust sheets for extra protection.

Once the house is all clean and freshly painted then you have a blank canvas that makes it much easier to see where items of furniture fit in and what other necessary items are still needed.

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